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“We Have Finally Done It!: The Latest Army Corps Update

The US Army Corps’ Look-Ahead for the new year highlights the completion of Phase 2 of the Muddy River Restoration Project. Writing for the Corps’ New England branch, Project Manager Jennifer Flanagan comments on the nearly ten years of design, permitting, and construction work involved in the second phase of the historic project. “Before that, we had Phase 1 construction. And prior to that, there were many plans, reports, permits, and meetings that led the way to this Project even being authorized to be constructed.  It was MANY decades in the making—without the hard work of so many people; the support of the advocacy groups, and the patience of the community around the Muddy River, this project never would have been completed!”

With the major construction work complete, the two-year guarantee period for plantings will continue. Flanagan writes, “There will be maintenance activities between the Spring and Fall seasons over the next two years. However, we will continue to turn back over (remove our temporary fences) work areas to the project Sponsors at the end of each guarantee period, similar to what was done for Work Areas 3, 4, and 7-9.”

Read the full update.

Photo of the November 29, 2023 ribbon-cutting: US Army Corps of Engineers