Several MMOC members gather on the banks of the Muddy River across from Simmons University. Join us at our next monthly meeting!

Photo: Kyle Klein

Meet the MMOC

Membership in the MMOC is at the discretion of the Massachusetts Secretary of Energy and Environmental Affairs.

Voting Members include six members of the original MEPA Citizens Advisory Council (CAC), as well as representatives of six local river advocacy organizations. Non-voting ex officio members of the MMOC include representatives of town, city, and state public agencies. Non-member consultants serve on MMOC subcommittees.


Interim Chair: Kay Mathew

Cabinet Liaison: Kelly Brilliant

Treasurer: H. Parker James

Administrator: Matthew Eddy

Voting MembersRepresentative
Brookline Greenspace Alliance Marilyn Ray Smith / Sean Lynn-Jones
Charles River Watershed AssociationLisa Kumpf
Charlesgate Alliance H. Parker James
Emerald Necklace Conservancy Karen Mauney-Brodek / Jack Schleifer
The Fenway Alliance Kelly Brilliant
The Longwood Collective (formerly MASCO)Abby Oliveira
Muddy River CAC*Elisabeth Cianciola
Muddy River CAC*Arleyn Levee
Muddy River CAC*Kay Mathew
Muddy River CAC*Fredericka Veikley
Muddy River Restoration Project Technical Advisory CommitteeElton Elperin 
*MEPA Muddy River Restoration Project Citizens Advisory Committee (Muddy River CAC)
Ex Officio Members
Boston Parks and Recreation DepartmentLiza Meyer, Interim Commissioner
Tom Timmons, Contract Compliance Manager
Brookline Department of Public WorksErin Chute, Commissioner
Brookline Parks and Open Space DivisionAlexandra Vecchio, Director
Alex Cassie, Conservation and Natural Resources Manager
Brookline Preservation Commission
Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR)Patrice Kish, Chief of Planning and Engineering
Massachusetts Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs (EOEEA)Kurt Gaertner, Assistant Secretary for Environmental Policy


Each subcommittee assists the MMOC by focusing on a specific goal of the Restoration Project. These include:

  • Communications and public outreach
  • Long-term maintenance and management of the parks’ landscape and parkways
  • Water quality improvement and stormwater management
  • Historic preservation.

Subcommittee members include both MMOC members (shown with an *asterisk) and non-MMOC members. The Chair of the MMOC is an ad hoc member of all subcommittees.

Communications Subcommittee

*Kelly Brilliant

*Kay Mathew

Betsy Shure Gross

Carol Lasky

Historic Resources Subcommittee

*Arleyn Levee

*Elton Elperin

Marie Fukuda

*Sean Lynn-Jones

*Jack Schleifer

Landscape Maintenance Subcommittee

*Arleyn Levee

*Fredericka Veikley

Margaret Pokorny

Marion Pressley

Carroll Williamson

*Jack Schleifer

Water Quality Subcommittee

*Elisabeth Cianciola: Co-chair

*Lisa Kumpf: Co-chair

*Elton Elperin

Michael Berger

Caroline Reeves

*Kelly Brilliant

*Arleyn Levee

*Sean Lynn-Jones

*Jack Schleifer

Members of the public are invited to attend MMOC meetings, which take place on the second Wednesday of each month from 6-7:30 pm.

Due to ongoing concerns about COVID-19, all meetings will be held by video conference until further notice.

Contact for more information.