The latest Muddy River Restoration Project Look-ahead from the Army Corps is blooming with great news:
According to Project Director Jennifer Flanagan, “The weather is certainly helping the trees and plants to bloom at the Muddy River. We are in the midst of installing plants in the additional phragmites removal area in Work Areas #11 and #12 during the Spring planting window. With the bins at the central processing area removed and the area around the Duck House prepped for restoration, the landscaper is planting shrubs and trees in this area this week.
Over by Work Area #6, site preparation will begin this week in anticipation of installing plants and trees over the next few weeks. Concurrent with the plantings in these areas, the landscaper is also performing maintenance for other work areas during the 2-year guarantee period.
We are excited to see the completion of the active construction activities over the next few months. The transformation in some of these work areas has been remarkable and we look forward to turning over some of the work areas back to the project Sponsors in the Fall.”
Read the full report.
The top photo shows the section of the Muddy River near the Boylston Street Bridge. The upland shrubs have been installed and the wetland seed spread—all part of the river bank restoration.

In Work Area 9, planted trees and turf are coming back to life with the Spring weather.
Photos: US Army Corps of Engineers, New England