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Restoration Project Update: 90-day Look-ahead for November, 2022

The US Army Corps of Engineers, New England has issued an overview of the Restoration Project status.

Their late fall update: “Hope everyone enjoyed some nice fall weather before we brace ourselves for the coming winter weather! The month of October saw us resuming dredging with the additional phragmites removal at Work Areas #11 and #12 at the request of the Sponsors. Removing this additional phragmites is not required for the Flood Risk Management mission but will provide additional environmental benefits to the system as well as provide maintenance benefits for the dredged channel. Besides the additional environmental benefits, the visual change at this part of the River is dramatic for those of you who are familiar with this river. One can now look across the river from the Victory Gardens and be able to see the Boston Fire Department Building! This work will continue into the winter and restoration will occur during the Spring 2023 planting window.   

Maintenance of the planted work areas (#1-#5, and #7-#10) is ongoing with leaf removal and invasive treatments. A review of the planted areas took place in the Fall to assess plant health and it determined which plants (trees, shrubs, wetland plants) will need to be replaced in the Spring. Work Areas #11 and #12 (over by the Victory Gardens) were planted during this Fall’s planting window and maintenance will now begin in these areas.”

New England District Muddy River Webpage:  https://www.nae.usace.army.mil/Missions/Projects-Topics/Muddy-River/

90-day Look-ahead November 2022 Link:
