In stage 1A1, which is the beginning of the downstream culvert section for Brookline Avenue, the contractor has placed 26 drilledshafts to support the culvert and wing walls. Pile caps have been placed on both sides and the invert slab (the ‘floor’ of the culvert) has been installed. The invert slab is installed to move water move efficiently through the culvert than would be possible with a natural streambed bottom. Six culvert sections were then installed. See the photo that shows this work from a closer perspective than the earlier photos. Upstream culvert wing walls have also been poured.
Brookline Avenue was changed into a one way roadway between the Riverway Connector and Park Drive so that similar work could be started on Stage 1A2. Two of the existing inbound lanes were kept and two additional inbound lanes were created to preserve four inbound lanes on this roadway. The Stage 1A2 work area includes areas that used to comprise the two outbound lanes and two inbound lanes of Brookline Avenue. Sheet piling was installed to support excavation, earth removed within the sheet piling and an additional 12 drilled shafts were installed. In the photo you can see a concrete truck in the upper left corner. It is placing concrete to form a shaft while the culvert installation is underway.
All of the drilled shafts in stage 1A2 have been installed and both pile caps have been poured. The installation of the invert slabs was started and the slabs should be in place by the end of the first week of December. Once this is done the contractor will begin to remove the struts for the support of excavation so that additional culvert sections can be installed. The sections will need to be grouted and waterproofed before backfilling over the newly installed culvert sections. Once the area is backfilled the sheet piling will be removed.
The next challenge will be the relocation of the existing 48 inch water main that runs down Brookline Avenue. This is a time sensitive activity because the contractor only has 21 days from the time the existing line is cut until the relocated line must be available for use if needed. The majority of work from late December to late January will focus on the water main relocation. Attention will then be directed to preparing for the next traffic change in Brookline Avenue. The direction of travel will remain one way inbound, but the roadway will be moved over to the area where the culverts sections have been installed and the current roadway area will become a work area. The traffic transition is expected to occur on a Saturday as it did in September and the Corps fully expects to have the same success in the transition as last time.
Project Phase 1
(U.S. Army Corps of Engineers photos)
Muddy River rises March 14, 2010
(U.S. Army Corps of Engineers photos)