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On September 23, 2013, Congressman Capuano paid tribute to Genie in the Congressional Record


“Mr. Speaker, I rise to celebrate the life and honor the achievements of Genie Beal whom I was honored to represent in the House. Genie Beal lived 92 years with grace and purpose. Her Memorial Service will be held, fittingly, in the Arnold Arboretum on September 26th. She was an urban environmentalist and untiring in her commitment to a principle important to me: city dwellers need to see and experience Nature. Loving the earth does not mean only cherishing wilderness. City parks must be made and maintained and, if necessary, fought for politically. Genie Beal was a pragmatic visionary, engaged and astute, and above all persistent. Her tact and charm served her well, and everyone who worked with her knew that her silken manners cloaked steely determination. My friend, Mayor Tom Menino, eulogized her as ‘‘the mother of green space in the City of Boston.’’

Read more at http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/CREC-2013-09-23/pdf/CREC-2013-09-23-pt1-PgE1361-5.pdf#page=1.