What's Happening Now

New Trees for the Muddy River Parks

By Matt Eddy, MMOC Administrator

With encouragement from the MMOC, Boston Parks and Recreation Department recently planted five new trees near the corner of Brookline Ave and the Fenway: one pin oak, two sweetgum, and two tupelo trees. The addition of these five brings the total to 13 new trees planted in the Phase 1 area in 2023. 

Thanks to Boston Parks for providing the trees and to the Emerald Necklace Conservancy for assuming responsibility for watering them. These new arrivals will provide much needed shade to some high-impact areas along the Muddy River Parks! 

Photos: Sweetgum and tupelo plantings. (Matt Eddy)

Map courtesy of Jack Schleifer, Field Operations Manager for the Emerald Necklace Conservancy and member of the MMOC’s Landscape Maintenance Subcommittee.