Muddy River Flood Risk Management & Environmental Restoration Project
Phase 1 Construction Activities Next 90 Days
December 2013 through February 2014
General: The Muddy River Flood Risk Management & Environmental Restoration Phase 1 Construction Project is located in the footprint generally between the Riverway downstream to Avenue Louis Pasteur. The major project components involve the installation of a 10‐foot by 24‐foot box culvert under the Riverway roadway, the installation of 10‐foot by 24‐foot box culvert under the Brookline Avenue roadway, daylighting of the area between the Riverway and Brookline Avenue, and daylighting of the area between Brookline Avenue and Avenue Louis Pasteur. Daylighting is the removal of existing twin 72″ culverts and excavation of the area to return the waterway to a natural state. This Notice is intended to identify the general construction activities that will be performed in the next 90 days. A figure that shows the existing conditions and the proposed improvements is at the end of this report.
- On 28 September we installed traffic islands, temporary traffic signals, activated recently installed signals and installed a significant number of traffic signs that allowed us to turn Brookline Avenue into a one‐way street inbound between the Riverway Connector and Park Drive. This was a major undertaking that started at 7:00 am and wasn’t completed until 10:00 pm that evening. What was basically done was the closing of the two outbound Brookline Avenue lanes and the closing of the two left inbound lanes. The existing two right lanes remained and two new inbound lanes were constructed so that inbound continued to have four lanes. See the first traffic figure at the end of this notice for the traffic pattern that was established for this phase of the work. This was done so that we could continue the installation of support shafts and culvert sections under Brookline Avenue.
- For the first stage pile caps were placed, invert slabs placed, wing walls constructed and six culvert sections were placed.
- For the second stage effort, which is the effort that required the change in the Brookline Avenue roadway, we have installed an additional 14 drilled shafts, placed the pile caps and invert slabs.
- The week of 2 December the contractor will start removing the bracing for the sheet piling support so that culvert sections can be lowered into place.
- Beginning the week of 9 December we will be placing 10 additional culvert sections.
- Once the culvert sections are placed the Contractor will grout and waterproof the culvert section.
- After waterproofing and grouting the culvert sections, the Contractor will begin backfilling over the culvert sections.
- After backfilling of the excavation is completed the sheet piling will be removed.
- Starting in late December work will begin on the relocation of a 12 inch and 48 inch water main under Brookline Avenue. There will be no disruption of water service to the neighborhood during this operation. Both mains have been shut off for over a month.
- After relocation of the water lines, expected to be completed in late January, we will begin work needed for the next traffic change to Brookline Avenue.
- As we move into the third stage of construction of Brookline Avenue we will relocate the four Brookline Avenue inbound lanes to the left over the area where culvert installation has been completed. As in the last traffic lane shift we will do the traffic change on a Saturday to minimize impact to the neighborhood traffic. The traffic shift will occur at the end of January. As we get closer to the change we will establish a firm date and get the word out through the media and emails to our contact lists. The traffic pattern that will be implemented in the third stage can be seen on the second traffic pattern figure at the end of this notice.
- After the traffic shift, the contractor will install sheet pilings, excavate within the sheeting to get to the proper grade, install additional drilled shafts, perform required utility relocations, place pile caps and invert slabs (the culvert floor) and install additional culvert sections.
Project Phase 1
(U.S. Army Corps of Engineers photos)
Muddy River rises March 14, 2010
(U.S. Army Corps of Engineers photos)