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Back Bay Fens Tree Removal Update from the Boston Parks & Recreation Department

Boston Parks and Recreation Project Manager Lauren Bryant has announced to the community that 46 trees will be removed in the Back Bay Fens. She writes:

“The trees being removed are not part of the pathways project and are in no way related to any design needs. The trees are being removed due to their condition. As part of the Back Bay Fens Pathways project, we will be planting new trees.

Each of the trees that have been marked for removal were assessed by at least 3 certified arborists, two of which are employed by Boston Parks Urban Forestry Division and a 3rd party consulting arborist. The trees that are marked for removal are dead or high risk trees, many of which are ash trees that have emerald ash borer and elm trees which have died due to dutch elm disease.

The tree removals are scheduled to begin at the end of February or beginning of March. The removals are scheduled for this time for two reasons. First, the ground is hard which means the work can be done without causing damage to the surrounding ground. Second, it is best management practice to remove trees with emerald ash borer in the dormant season to decrease further spread.”

For information on the tree removals, reach out to the Urban Forestry Division of Boston Parks: trees@boston.gov or 617 635 8733.