What's Happening Now

US Army Corps Report – Phase 1 Construction Activities Next 90 Days – December 2014

A lot has been accomplished since the October update!
The 12” gas line on the Jug Handle side of Brookline Avenue has been installed and activated. We performed a traffic shift on December 13th in order to shift the inbound Brookline Avenue traffic to the Jug Handle side so that the relocation of the remainder of the utilities permanently back under the roadway can take place. Once the utilities are relocated, we will be constructing the roadway and the permanent island so that we can open Brookline Avenue back to two-way traffic.

In the Riverway work area, we have gone from where the Riverway roadway used to be in October to a fully excavated worksite where the majority of the steel pipe piles have been installed to support the precast concrete culvert. We will be installing formwork and placing concrete in the next month in anticipation of culvert installation in early February 2015.

In January 2015, we will be starting work on a new phase of the project – excavation of sediment in the channel bottom and bank protection of the Upper Fens Pond; and daylighting the river in the area near the Avenue Louis Pasteur. This phase of work is expected to take six to eight months.

A lot has been accomplished in this last year. There have been many challenges – weather; unforeseen conditions; etc. – but the entire project team was successful in working together and the project continued to move forward to completion. I look forward to great things next year for this project. I want to thank you all for your continued support and interest in this project.

Happy Holidays to everyone!


US Army Corps Report – Muddy River Flood Risk Management & Environmental Restoration Project Phase 1 Construction Activities Next 90 Days

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General: The Muddy River Flood Risk Management & Environmental Restoration Phase 1 Construction Project is located in the footprint generally between the Riverway downstream to Avenue Louis Pasteur. The major project components involve the installation of a 10-foot by 24-foot box culvert under the Riverway roadway, the installation of 10-foot by 24-foot box culvert under the Brookline Avenue roadway, daylighting of the area between the Riverway and Brookline Avenue, and daylighting of the area between Brookline Avenue and Avenue Louis Pasteur. Daylighting is the removal of existing twin 72″ culverts and excavation of the area to return the waterway to a natural state. This Notice is intended to identify the general construction activities that will be performed in the next 90 days. A figure that shows the existing conditions and the proposed improvements is at the end of this report.

December 2014 through February 2015 Period:

  • In order to complete work on the Brookline Avenue Culvert, a traffic shift was performed on December 13, 2014. This traffic shiftmaintained Brookline Avenue, between the Riverway Connector and Park Drive, as one-way only inbound traffic but shifted the fourinbound lanes to the right. The current traffic pattern can be seen in the figure shown below.
  • In the Brookline Avenue area, the projected work for the next couple of months is the relocation of the utilities, BY OTHERS, permanentlyback into Brookline Avenue. Once these relocations are complete, the construction of the Brookline Avenue roadway and permanent island(separating inbound and outbound traffic) will take place, in anticipation of opening Brookline Avenue back to two-way traffic, between Riverway Connector and Park Drive, in early Spring 2015.
  • In the Riverway Culvert work area, since the traffic shift on September 20th, the contractor has installed the steel sheeting of support ofexcavation; excavated the construction area to culvert bottom grade; and begun driving steel pipe piles for the Riverway Culvert. Piledriving will continue into the beginning of the new year. Once that activity is complete, we will be tying rebar and installing formwork for the concrete pile caps around the pipe piles. Precast Concrete Riverway Culverts may be onsite for installation early February 2015.
  • A concurrent activity to the Brookline Avenue and Riverway work areas that will be starting in January 2015 is the Muddy River diversion atthe Upper Fens Pond area. We will be installing a combination steel sheeting cofferdam and pumping system in order to divert the flow ofthe Muddy River from the Jug Handle work area past the Avenue Louis Pasteur. This will allow us to excavate the sediment in the channel bottom of the Upper Fens Pond to construct the flood control channel; restore and protect the banks of the Upper Fens Pond; and daylight the river in the area just upstream of and construct an extension to the existing culvert beneath Avenue Louis Pasteur. The diversion and construction activities in this phase of work are expected to take six to eight months.
  • At the end of this notice we have included some pictures that show the construction progress since we completed the Brookline AvenueCulvert and started the Riverway Culvert. We thought folks would be interested in seeing the work occurring behind the fence.
  • If you have any questions, require additional information or would like to be added to the Project Contact List, please email the projectmailbox at MuddyRiver@usace.army.mil

Traffic Patterns and Project Photos

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Project Phase 1

(U.S. Army Corps of Engineers photos)

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Muddy River rises March 14, 2010

(U.S. Army Corps of Engineers photos)

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