What's Happening Now

July 2, 2013 – Project Update

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Work recently completed and what is coming up in the next 3 weeks:

  1. The granite curbs for the Landmark Center have been installed.
  2. Approximately 95% of the loam for the Landmark Center has been installed.
  3. The existing exit sign at Landmark Center has been relocated.
  4. The sidewalks at Landmark Center were scheduled to be placed last Thursday and Friday.
  5. Soil testing was completed for Sears Parking Lot area last week.
  6. The signal posts have been installed at the Landmark Center.
  7. Cuts have been made in the roadway across the Riverway for the traffic signal conduit.
  8. The traffic conduit and foundations in the southside of Riverway will be completed this week.
  9. The mast arms for the Riverway will be installed this week.
  10. The new Landmark exit roadway will be opened 8 July.
  11. The old Landmark Exit will be removed starting 9 July.
  12. The sidewalk for 1A1 around the SPL will be installed the week of 8 July.
  13. The traffic conduit in the Riverway corridor will be completed this week.
  14. The traffic conduit and foundations in the Riverway island will be completed this week.
  15. Traffic conduits at Brookline Ave & Riverway, at Riverway and Park
  16. Drive and Brookline Ave an Park Drive will be installed the week of 15 July.